attended crossing 意味

発音を聞く:   attended crossingの例文
  • 警手{けいしゅ}のいる踏切{ふみきり}


        crossing:     crossing n. 横断; (船による)横断, 渡航; 交差点; 横断歩道; 踏み切り; 検問所. 【動詞+】 successfully complete a single-handed crossing of the Atlantic by rowboat 漕ぎ船で大西洋の単独横断に成功する Did you have a smooth crossing? 穏や
        attended by a nurse:    《be ~》看護師が付いている
        attended by evils:    《be ~》弊害が伴う
        attended by members of:    《be ~》~のメンバーが参加{さんか}する
        attended operation:    在席操作{ざいせきそうさ}
        attended time:    在席時間{ざいせきじかん}
        days attended:    出席日数{しゅっせき にっすう}
        ill attended:    {形} :
        ill-attended:    {形} : 出席者{しゅっせき しゃ}の少ない、参加者{さんかしゃ}が少ない
        not yet attended to:    未処理の
        sparsely attended:    わずかな観客しかいない
        well attended:    {形} :
        well-attended:    {形} : 出席者の多い、参加者が多い
        attended by body guards:    《be ~》ボディーガードが付いている
        attended by many risks:    《be ~》危険{きけん}に満ちた、危険{きけん}をはらんだ


  1. "attended by body guards" 意味
  2. "attended by evils" 意味
  3. "attended by many risks" 意味
  4. "attended by members of" 意味
  5. "attended by some bodyguards" 意味
  6. "attended operation" 意味
  7. "attended time" 意味
  8. "attended to by a numerous staff" 意味
  9. "attended with much difficulty" 意味
  10. "attended by members of" 意味
  11. "attended by some bodyguards" 意味
  12. "attended operation" 意味
  13. "attended time" 意味

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